Truly Dead is almost done


The third draft of Truly Dead (Sandburg 4) is done.

One more pass and it will be off to the publishing house. Tentative pub date is May 2017. I’ve written this as if could very well be the last Dead book. The series could continue, but it would be a good place to end if I decide to do so. I’m a slow writer and if I turn The Body Reader into a series and try to write both Sandburg and Body Reader…well, it would mean a new book per series every two years. I don’t think readers would be at all happy about that and might even drop them both. So I really need to make a decision between the two. Hate to tell David and Elise goodbye, because they’re my favorite characters in a favorite setting, but response to The Body Reader has been kinda off the charts. A good problem to have! Maybe I should conduct a poll. It’s not as if sales of the Sandburg books are shabby. Both Play Deadand Stay Dead have sold over 100,000 copies. I’m so grateful for that. Below are two lovely gifts from my publishing house commemorating the milestone.  Those are the actual books inside a shadowbox!

Anne Frasier